
UVC lampe

De bedste løsninger inden for UV teknologi

Hold jeres organisation sikkert fri for bakterier og andre uvelkomne vira. Hos UVCbyEFSEN benytter vi UVC lamper i alle vores desinfektions løsninger, der kan hjælpe med grundig desinficering og rengøring.

Behovet for yderligere at sikre sine omgivelser efter Covid-19 er steget markant, især blandt sårbare mennesker, men også børnehaver, skoler og virksomheder har taget vores løsninger til sig. Derfor er vi glade for at kunne tilbyde alt fra håndholdte, men også større mobile enheder med uv lamper til jer.

UVC lampe

Håndholdt UVC lampe

This easy and effective solution for cleaning surfaces is equipped with a powerful UVC lamp, which is used in all our professional disinfection units. The lamp provides a constant output throughout its lifetime, and therefore provides maximum effect. If you buy a UV BAR, this also includes a safety visor, a pair of gloves, and a safety manual as well as a video guide. By doing this, we ensure that everyone handles the products correctly.

Please note that if you need to replace the UVC bulb in the UV BAR and or one of our other products, UVCbyEFSEN 60W UVC lamps must always be used. This is the correct type.

Designmøbler med UVC lamper skabt med omtanke på fremtiden

It was during the corona pandemic that the idea to cover a new need came too mind. Here we designed and developed a piece of furniture that combines aesthetic design with functionality in a different and exciting way. The result was UV BENCH, a bench with built-in UVC lamps, which disinfects all objects in a safe, fast and sustainable way. And in this way the infection is reduced. Later, UV WALLBOX og UV AIR followed, all units that use UVC lamps and created with consideration for the future’s increased needs in hygiene, a trend that also echoes in other industries and which helps to form the framework for our new everyday life post-Corona


Kraftfuld mobil UVC lampe - UV TOWER

Achieve effective disinfection with simple use of the extremely powerful UVC lamp in the UV TOWER. Set the timer and press the button. After 30 seconds, the UV TOWER starts and begins the disinfection for the desired time interval. Disinfect meeting rooms, hotel rooms, nursing home rooms or other desired spaces with high efficiency. Based on the smart design, it is easy to replace the lamp in the UV TOWER. However, it is always recommended to look through the enclosed manual thoroughly so that the replacement of the UVC lamp is carried out correctly. 

Please note, the correct bulb for UV TOWER and all our other products is UVCbyEFSEN 75W. Always use the correct bulb to avoid damage. Read more here.

What people say? Vi har mange tilfredse kunder. Læs cases og se videoerne om deres brug af UV BAR.

With this disinfection solution by EFSEN, we have been able to keep our flexibility as a company, as we do not have to close areas to avoid the spread of bacteria and viruses.
We see a clear advantage in continuing with the use of UV technology, as the solution also reduces other viruses and bacteria, and may therefore lead to a lowering of the general sickleave.

Vi hører gerne fra jer med jeres hygiejne udfordringer, og hjælper jer til den bedste løsning der løser jeres behov.