Questions and answers


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UV BAR incl. bulb, 3m cord, 1 set of gloves, 1 face protection and safety instructions. 

Normally 2 weeks – currently at the CoVid-19 period depends on stock. Delivery time is confirmed when the order has been placed.


Yes, included in the packages is a safety and user manual. There is also a weblink to safety instruction and user guide video. Do you have any further questions about safety, please contact us at

Always ensure that you and anyone nearby is protected against UV light. Never face the light towards yourself or another person, and always use protective equipment. The equipment is safe to use if eyes and skin is protected from the UV light.

Skin and eyes should be protected, so a face protection, gloves, long sleeved shirt, long pants and shoes are needed. A set of gloves and a face shield will be supplied with the equipment.

Wear protective gear so that no skin and eyes are exposed to UV light. Check your surroundings to ensure that no persons are nearby, and that none will interrupt you during the cleaning process. Also be wary of any reflective surface.

Yes, that is why you need protective gear, and need to be cautious about mirrors and other reflective surfaces.

Always cover your skin to avoid exposure. In the event of skin exposure to UV light, you might get a red burn, similar to a sunburn. Treat the exposed area in the same way you would treat a sunburn to speed up the healing process.

First of all, always use glasses. If your eyes are exposed briefly, they might feel dry and irritated, like after spending a day in bright sunlight without sunglasses. Longer exposure can cause irreversible damage.

UV bar does not burn things and has an auto build in timer that turns off after 15 min. in case somebody forgets it. However, we always recommend only having UV BAR turned on when in use.

Face protection and gloves will be delivered together with the UV BAR. In addition to this, long pants and long-sleeved shirt should be used.


The only consumable is the bulb. It will last for up to 8.000 hours, which means 10 years if you use it 4 hours a day for 200 days a year.

Be cleaned with a dry cotton cloth or paper towel. Wear rubber gloves and clean with a paper towel or clean cotton cloth, using a small amount of isopropyl alcohol only. Clean UV BAR like you clean any other appliances with a cloth and soap.

1 kg for the handheld device without power cord.

The UV-bulb last for 8.000 hours. This means that if you use it 4 hours a day, 200 days a year, it will last for approximately 10 years.
If it is turned on 24/7 it will last just under a year.

Yes – it is made simple, so it is just like changing a light bulb.

The bulb contains mercury and should be disposed of according to local regulations regarding mercury waste. So they must be disposed accord to the local legislation, for example at the local recycling station.

Be careful when handling the bulb, as a broken bulb can release the toxic mercury.

Shortwave UVC light, with a peak wavelength of 253,7nm.

45cm long, 12cm wide and 13,5cm high.

Approximately 3m long.

UV BAR has a strong 60W bulb inside.

Like any light bulb, the bulb of the UV BAR will be hot during use and requires cooling down after use. The housing will not be warm to hold.


The UV BARx1 can be used to clean a surface of any microorganism (viruses, bacteria, protozoa etc). For more resistant microbes, a longer exposure time might be required for successful disinfection. Some examples are shown in the table – click here.

For a more comprehensive list, and for sources, please see the article we have put together.

UV BAR reduces the bioburden, so in places that are used by many people and all the time, we recomend a more frequent interval – this could be in the morning before everybody starts, during lunch break and again in the evening. On a keyboard that is only used by one person, this could be something that is done once or twice a week by cleaning staff at night. The coffee machine and printer in an office environment is often used my many people and therefore it would be smart to expose this daily too.

Yes, you can use your keyboard and phone right after.

For daily exposure of 30-60 seconds it will not. Very long exposures can degrade materials. Click here to see the table.

There is no need to over-expose a surface, too long exposure times can speed up the aging and degradation of some materials.

A way of considering UVC light’s effects on different material, think of materials you know of that would be affected by sunlight. Colours can fade, and materials become less tough as they has aged faster. Sunlight exposure is not as intense as UVC light, but sun exposure are usually several hours per day, whilst the UVC light is generally a few seconds for each cleaning cycle. Due to the short exposure, and short total daily exposure time, we expect it to take hundreds of exposures to see any adverse effects on the materials.

The energy of UVC light interacts with DNA and RNA altering its structure so that it does not function. This effectively neutralizes the microorganism, so that it will not be able to function or replicate.

The rate of disinfection can be measured in a laboratory with capabilities of measuring microbial count on a surface. The UV output can be measured, and correlated to existing studies, to get a good indication of the level of disinfection of the surface.

The amount of reduction depends on the microorganism, the exposure time and how close the lamp is to the surface. Most of the virus and bacteria will be disinfected (to 99.9%) with 22,5 mJ/cm2, which corresponds to about 5 seconds of exposure at 5 cm distance. For a higher degree of disinfection or for tough pathogens, prolonged exposure can be used. Increasing the exposure time from 5 to 10 seconds will increase the dose to 45 mJ/cm2, which for the case mentioned above improves the disinfection degree from 99.9% to 99.9999%.

How often you should use the UV BAR depends on what environment (how constant the level of cleanliness needs to be) and how many people are passing through or interacting with the items or surfaces. In a hospital environment, you might want to use it several times per day, between patients or whenever you are finished working with a piece of equipment or surface, to constantly have a fresh surface. A surface that is touched by many people daily in a workplace should be disinfected on a daily basis. For personal item, such as a computer, phone or desktop, a weekly cleaning will suffice. These are guidelines only, in times pandemic, you would use it more regularly than in a more normal situation.  


We recommend 10 cm or closer to obtain the required dose in a couple of seconds. See the graph – click here.

We recommend 10 cm or closer to obtain the required dose in a couple of seconds. See the graph – click here.

At a distance of 10 cm and move the light at a speed of approx. 20 cm/s is the estimated requirement for 99.9% disinfection of SARS CoV-2 (the Covid-19 virus) and most other bacteria and viruses. In recent research, this dose was sufficient to neutralize saliva (from an infected persons cough) so that it could not infect another person.

Normally it takes 2-3 seconds before the lamp light up. Don’t look at the lamp without protection!

Instant startup time. No need to heat up. 

No one – humans and animals – should be in the same room when the lamp is on, unless they also wear protective equipment.

Aquariums might be OK to have in the room, as the fishs are screened by the glass, and also by the water. BUT, the lightsource should never be pointed in the direction of the aquarium, and absolutely not be used to disinfect the aquarium with fish inside.

It is important for people without protective gear to stay outside line of sight, or behind a physical barrier like a glass window or a door.

The UV BAR is designed for microorganisms, some of which are harder to disinfect. Fungi and Algae, as well as adenoviruses and resistant bacteria (Deinococcus Radiodurans and possibly Clostridium Difficile are some examples) can require a high dose, thus will require a longer exposure time. The UV resistant Deinococcus Radiodurans and tough Adenoviruses will require 1-minute of constant exposure to successfully disinfect.

We have measured the dose coming from UV BAR when used as described (50 mm distance, 7 sec exposure). This is approximately 30 mJ/cm2. This corresponds to the UVC dose requirement as established in reference literature for disinfection of virus and bacteria. You can read more about this and find the literature references in this article that we have put together.

You can read more about this and find the literature references in this article that we have put together.

UV BAR doesn’t remove dirt and dust – it inactivates bacteria, virus and protozoa. So normal cleaning is still necessary, however it has been shown that the level of bacteria, virus and protozoa is reduced when using the UV BAR on dirty surfaces also.