Handheld UV device for surface disinfection

UV BAR is designed for disinfection of hotspot areas for bacteria and virus. The use of UV BAR improves the quality of the cleaning, which can provide a safer, cleaner and healthier environment.

Easy and functional use

Ready to use right away – no preheating time, and with only 1 kg of weight, it is easy to pan over surfaces and can be moved around from area to area. 

+99% disinfection rate

Most of the virus and bacteria will be disinfected (to 99.9%) with 22,5 mJ/cm2, which corresponds to about 5 seconds of exposure.

Included in the package

UV BAR, a set of gloves, a face shield, Safety Instruction and User Manual and a web-link to a safety and user video guide.


Areas for disinfection


Areas for disinfection

Easy and functional use

Ready to use right away – no preheating time, and with only 1 kg of weight, it is easy to pan over surfaces and can be moved around from area to area. 

+99% disinfection rate

Most of the virus and bacteria will be disinfected (to 99.9%) with 22,5 mJ/cm2, which corresponds to about 5 seconds of exposure.

Included in the package

UV BAR, a set of gloves, a face shield, Safety Instruction and User Manual and a web-link to a safety and user video guide.



During 10th-15th of December 2020, the Dep. of Clinical Microbiology at SDU (The University of Southern Denmark), completed a study on the effects on SARS-CoV-2 for UV BAR.

uv bar pro - handheld device for swift surface disinfection

The UV BAR PRO is designed specifically for time critical sectors and has significant higher power compared to the similar product, the UV BAR.



See the full list of common questions about the UVC-product, technology, order, delivery, safety, maintenance, product specs, disinfection effect and disinfection process. 

In addition to regular cleaning where dirt and dust is removed, the UV BAR is designed to disinfect surfaces, and corners and cracks where cleaning, and dispensing is difficult.

Quick and effective results

Increase the quality of cleaning

Easy to use

What people say? We are always pleased when customers and partners trust on our knowledge and excellent service in UVC technology.

With this disinfection solution by EFSEN, we have been able to keep our flexibility as a company, as we do not have to close areas to avoid the spread of bacteria and viruses.
We see a clear advantage in continuing with the use of UV technology, as the solution also reduces other viruses and bacteria, and may therefore lead to a lowering of the general sickleave.

Handles, keyboards, copiers, coffee machines, handrails on stairs, etc. are places that many people often touch during the day and can therefore be one of the primary sources of virus and bacterial transmission.

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a word of caution

UV BAR is a powerful UV device in order to enable fast process time to disinfect. The requires extra attention to safety from the operator. It can be used for irradiation on all surfaces of different materials – but must never be used to irradiate skin, humans, animals, or other organic matters.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with your challenges regarding Covid-19, and we will help you find the best solutions to solve your needs.